Marjona Nukarovaさん
My name is Marjona Nukarova, and I am a first-year Master's degree student at Naruto University of Education in Japan, originally from Uzbekistan. I am currently enrolled in a Master's program in Japan under the JICA scholarship, having been granted the opportunity to study for two years. Prior to my studies in Japan, I worked as a specialist for foreign language teachers in the educational administration of the Bukhara region, Uzbekistan. I have several reasons for choosing Japan as the country where I can pursue my Master’s degree. First of all, every strong and developed country serves as a model for other developing countries, and Japan is one of those nations whose culture, ethics, education, and economy have achieved significant success. Additionally, Japan is currently a reliable partner of Uzbekistan, supporting the reform process and assisting in the modernization of education and the economy. This is not only my perspective but also a compelling example for Uzbekistan in scientific, technical, and other mentioned aspects. I want to emphasize that Naruto University is one of the most promising educational institutions I have encountered, which influenced my decision to choose this program. I aim to address various modern educational challenges from a broad perspective and specialized knowledge, thereby improving the state of education in developing countries by applying the Japanese educational style. I believe that the mentors at Naruto University will enhance both my personal and academic knowledge, enabling me to transfer this knowledge to Uzbek teachers and gain insights into Japanese education. By applying the results of my education to society and utilizing them to solve specific problems, I am confident that I will contribute to the prosperity of education in my homeland.
大学卒業後に自衛隊で勤務をする中で、教育に関心を持ち教員免許取得のために本学へ入学しました。また入学前にネパールの学校でボランティアを行った経験から日本以外の教育にも興味を持ち、本コースで学ばせていただくこと決意しました。本コースの強みは経験豊富な教授陣と留学生とたくさん関わりを持てることです。特に本コースの在学生は8割ほどが留学生であり、彼らは自国の教員や教育省で働いていたエリートです。こういった方々と交流できる場所は本校を除いて日本中ほぼありません。そのような方々と授業を受けたり、ディスカッションを通じてお互いに意見をぶつけ合ったりすることで自分の知見が広がっていることを日々実感することができ、実りある日々を過ごすことができます。 ここには様々な背景を持った人達が集います。学びのある日々を共に過ごしましょう。
Mecky Wallyさん
To earn a master’s degree especially from an abroad university through a scholarship program has always been my dream, and the God Almighty finally has answered my prayer when I successfully passed all the four stages of the application process to enter Naruto University of Education (NUE), through JICA Scholarship. I am very grateful to JICA and the people of Japan for this golden and lifetime opportunity. After being the research student for the last six months, I am now looking forward to doing my Masters in Global Education in Mathematics and Science Field for the next two years. My passion and zeal in Mathematics and Science Education has prompted me to pursue my post-graduate study in NUE, thus meeting the short term and long-term goals I have for my career path and educational path. Having been in the field of teaching in secondary level, teaching general science and biology for some time , and then moving on to the tertiary level, training pre-service primary teachers on both content and pedagogy for mathematics and science courses prescribed under the national teachers’ college curriculum (PSD), I was confronted with numerous challenges and issues, induced by the inconsistent curriculum in the education system of Papua New Guinea (PNG). My study here in the global education course will further enrich, expand, and deepen my expertise. Additionally, by part taking in the extracurricular activities, off- campus training, Japanese culture and learning Japanese language courses offered here will supplement my learning experiences. Moreover, by interacting with fellow international scholars and local scholars, we will all learn a lot from each other. After graduation, I intend to actively utilise the knowledge, skills, and experiences gained through my study to improve the mathematics and science teacher education in my country, and organisation I represent. Furthermore, I believe that through building continuous network with Japan and PNG, we can foster a global community ensuring quality, compatible and comparable lifelong global education (UNSDG 4). If one is thinking of studying in an ideal graduate education university, then I feel more than blessed to highly recommend NUE. The variety of courses offered here, very conducive world class learning and research facilities, very highly qualified and well-versed professors and tutors in their respective fields, and very qualified and helpful support staff such as ISO staff, ICT personals, Librarians, etc. are amongst the many attributes of this Ideal university where we all can enjoy and learn a lot. Aligato goizamasu. Thank you so much.Minasan, Gambetta Kundasai. All the best to everyone.