

独立行政法人 日本学生支援機構の奨学金に関するホームページ


募集時期 奨学金の種類
4月頃 三木武夫国際育英基金
8月下旬頃 公益財団法人ロータリー米山記念奨学会奨学金
10月頃 国内採用による国費留学生(研究留学生)
11月~12月頃 鳴門教育大学私費外国人留学生奨学金

* 応募資格については,奨学金により異なります。詳しくは,国際交流係にお問い合わせください。

The following scholarships are available to self-financed foreign students at the university. A scholarship may be provided based on your records, personality, and other conditions. A notice regarding the application for this will be given to self-financed foreign students through academic advisors (Shido Kyokan) If you would like to apply, please ask your academic advisor.

You can find other scholarships on the following homepage.

 Japan Student Services Organization's Homepage

If you have any question about shcholarships, please contact International Services Office.

Application Time Scholarship
April Miki Takeo Kokusai Ikuei Kikin
JEES Scholarship
Late August Rotary Club Yoneyama Scholarship
Heiwa Nakajima Zaidan Scholarship
October Japanese Government Scholarship to Foreign Student (University Recommendation / Local Acceptance)
November - December Naruto University of Education Scholarship for Self-financed Foreign Student

* Ask at ISO about qualification requirements.
