National Institute for School Teachers and Staff Development, Naruto University of Education Shikoku Regional Educational Alliance Center

  In order for the center to become a base of operations that can respond appropriately to various issues concerning teacher training, Naruto University of Education and the National Institute for School Teachers and Staff Development (NITS) will collaborate to establish a close relationship with various educational institutions and the local community, by addressing the following matters:


  1. In order to meet regional needs, planning and implementing teacher training courses to revitalize school education and improve on the caliber and capability of teachers, and contributing to those teachers who continue to learn.
  2. Matters related to the investigation, analysis, and research regarding the improvement of the caliber and capabilities of teachers in cooperation with NITS.
  3. Matters related to the base of the network connecting NITS with universities and the boards of education in the Shikoku region.
  4. Matters related to the coordination of other local centers within the Shikoku region.


