
(1) 警察


全国どこでも24 時間体制で受け付けています。けが人がいる場合は,警察から救急車の手配もしてくれます。


  1. 公衆電話の場合,受話器を取り,緊急用の赤いボタンがあればそれを押し,なければコインを入れて「110」をダイヤルする。通話後お金は戻ってくる。
  2. 交通事故か,泥棒等の犯罪かといった状況を説明する。
  3. 発生場所又はあなたのいる場所の住所と近くの目印となる建物等を伝え,あなたの名前を言う。

(2) 消防署


全国どこでも24 時間体制で受け付けています。


  1. 公衆電話の場合,警察と同様に,緊急用の赤いボタンがあればそれを押し,なければコインをいれて「119」をダイヤルする。通話後お金は戻ってくる。
  2. 消防署には消防車と救急車の両方があるので,火事か救急か,状況を説明する。
  3. あなたのいる場所の住所と近くの目印となる建物等を伝え,あなたの名前を言う。





Emergency Calls

(1) Police

To report a crime or traffic accident, just dial "110" (toll-free).

Calls can be made anywhere in Japan, 24 hours a day. If there are injured people, the police will dispatch an ambulance.

〔How to call the Police〕

A call by public telephone is toll-free.

  1. Pick up the receiver. If there is a red emergency button on the telephone, press the button and then dial the appropriate emergency number (110 for police, or 119 for the fire department or ambulance).If there is no emergency button, dial the emergency number directly.
  2. Explain what has happened -whether it is a traffic accident, or a crime such as a robbery.
  3. Report the location of the incident, the location from where the call is being made and any prominent landmarks nearby, and give your name.

(2) Fire Department

To report fires or to request an ambulance, just dial "119" (toll-free).

Calls can be made anywhere in Japan, 24 hours a day.

〔How to call the Fire Department〕

  1. As in the case of calling the police, press the emergency button and then dial the appropriate emergency number "119" for the fire department or ambulance. If there is no emergency button, dial "119" directly.
  2. Since the Fire Department dispatches both fire crews and ambulances, first explain whether the incident is a fire or requires an ambulance.
  3. Report the location from where the call is being made and any prominent landmarks nearby. Callers should also give their name.

〔Using an Ambulance〕

If an injury or illness is serious and requires urgent treatment, dial "119" to request an ambulance. Ambulances are available 24 hours a day, and are free of charge. Medical treatment, however, is not free of charge. Patients should have their Residence Cards or passport, their National Health Insurance Certificate and some cash ready by the time an ambulance arrives. The ambulance will have on its red emergency light and its siren as it approaches the area. Upon hearing the siren, be outside and attract the crew's attention.

Ambulances are available only if urgent medical treatment is necessary. Forinjuries that are not serious, go to the nearest hospital by car or taxi to receive medical treatment.


(1) 警察


日本全国各地24 小时受理。有人受伤时警察会联系急救车到现场处置。


  1. 利用公用电话时,取下话筒,如果有紧急用的红色按钮就按下,没有就投币拨打[110]。打完电话后硬币自动退出。
  2. 详细说明是遇到交通事故还是被盗等犯罪现场 。
  3. 说明发生现场或者本人所在场所的地址和附近标志性的建筑物,还要报出自己的姓名。

(2) 消防署


日本全国各地24 小时受理。


  1. 利用公用电话时,取下话筒,如果有紧急用的红色按钮就按下,没有就投币拨打[119]。打完电话后硬币自动退出。
  2. 消防署内有消防车和急救车,因此请详细说明是急救还是火灾。
  3. 说明发生现场或者本人所在场所的地址和附近标志性的建筑物,还要报出自己的姓名。


突发急病或受到重伤时,请拨打119呼叫急救车。急救车24 小时待命,可免费利用。但是,治疗费得自己负担,急救车来到之前事先准备好居留卡(或护照)、国民健康保险证和现金。




(1) 警察


日本全國各地24 小時受理。有人受傷時警察會聯繫救護車到現場急救。


  1. 利用公用電話時,取下話筒,如果有緊急用的紅色按鈕就按下,没有就投幣撥打[110]。打完電話後硬幣自動退出。
  2. 詳細說明是遇到交通事故還是被盜等犯罪現場。
  3. 說明發生現場或者本人所在場所的地址和附近有象徵性的建築物,還要報出自己的姓名。

(2) 消防署


日本全國各地24 小時受理。


  1. 利用公用電話時,取下話筒,如果有緊急用的紅色按鈕就按下,没有就投幣撥打[119]。打完電話後硬幣自動退出。
  2. 消防署内有消防車和救護車,因此請詳細說明是急救還是火災。
  3. 說明發生現場或者本人所在場所的地址和附近有象徵性的建築物,還要報出自己的姓名。


突發急病或受到重傷時,請撥打119呼叫救護車。救護車24 小時待命,可免費利用。但是,治療費得自行負擔,救護車来到之前事先準備好在留卡(或護照)、國民健康保險証和現金。

