Faculty profiles
Basic information
KUSAKA Satoshi
- Affiliation
- Associate Professor
- Affiliated education department
- Human Education
- Affiliated course
- Global Education
- Affiliated center
- International Cooperration Center for the Teacher Education and Training[INCET]
- 0886876390
- skusaka@naruto-u.ac.jp
Master of Arts in education and development(University of Leeds)
2022.9 Ph.D. in Education(Hiroshima University)
2022.9 Ph.D. in Education(Hiroshima University)
Thesis title
Analysis of adult literacy programmes to increase women’s participation to their communities: A case study of the Nigerian mass literacy programme(Master thesis)
Research on Sociocultural Aspect of Mathematics Curriculum Development: A Case of Mozambique National Curriculum(Doctor thesis)
Research on Sociocultural Aspect of Mathematics Curriculum Development: A Case of Mozambique National Curriculum(Doctor thesis)
Personal history
Bachelor of Education, Tokyo Gakugei University (2001)
Master of Arts in education and development, University of Leeds (2007)
Ph.D. in Education, Hiroshima University (2022)
Professional Experience
Apr. 2001-Apr. 2002 Parkview primary school in New Zealand (Internship)
Sep.2002-Dec.2004 Japan overseas cooperation volunteer(Dominican Republic, Math teacher)
Apr. 2005-Feb.2006 Japan overseas cooperation volunteer(Dominican Republic, Math teacher)
Dec.2007-May 2008 Spanish interpreter of Saitama Ageo Medics (V league)
Aug.2008-Aug.2011 Teacher in New International School of Japan
Aug.2011-Mar.2015 Researcher of Japan Development service Co.,Ltd. (Working for JICA educational projects)
Apr. 2015-Mar.2021 Representative of K.S.M International (Working for JICA educational projects)
Apr. 2021 Lecturer of Naruto University of Education
Bachelor of Education, Tokyo Gakugei University (2001)
Master of Arts in education and development, University of Leeds (2007)
Ph.D. in Education, Hiroshima University (2022)
Professional Experience
Apr. 2001-Apr. 2002 Parkview primary school in New Zealand (Internship)
Sep.2002-Dec.2004 Japan overseas cooperation volunteer(Dominican Republic, Math teacher)
Apr. 2005-Feb.2006 Japan overseas cooperation volunteer(Dominican Republic, Math teacher)
Dec.2007-May 2008 Spanish interpreter of Saitama Ageo Medics (V league)
Aug.2008-Aug.2011 Teacher in New International School of Japan
Aug.2011-Mar.2015 Researcher of Japan Development service Co.,Ltd. (Working for JICA educational projects)
Apr. 2015-Mar.2021 Representative of K.S.M International (Working for JICA educational projects)
Apr. 2021 Lecturer of Naruto University of Education
Current fields of research and their synopses
Development studies in Education, Mathematics education, Metacognition, Endogenous development in Education
My focus is the mathematics curriculum revision process in developing countries. The aim is theorizing the endogenous development of education by analyzing the promoting factors of it based on educational borrowing theory. In addtion, meatcognitive skills in mathematics learning is also my focus.
Affiliated academic societies
Japan Society of Mathematics Education, Japan Academic Society of Mathematics Education, Japan Society for Science Education, Japan society for Africa Educational Research, Japan Society for International Development, Japan Society for International Education, International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME), The Southern African Association dedicated to the advancement of research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education
Major activities in academic societies and society
Chief Editor for the English Version of Elementary School Mathematics Textbooks at Gakko Tosho Co., Ltd.
Editorial Committee for Elementary School Mathematics Textbooks at Gakko Tosho Co., Ltd.
OECD Global Teaching Insights (GTI) Research Collaborator (National Institute for Educational Policy Research)
Japan Society for Science Education (JASSE) International exchange comittee and Public Relations Committee member
Editorial Committee for Elementary School Mathematics Textbooks at Gakko Tosho Co., Ltd.
OECD Global Teaching Insights (GTI) Research Collaborator (National Institute for Educational Policy Research)
Japan Society for Science Education (JASSE) International exchange comittee and Public Relations Committee member
Major research achievement
Shin Hitomatsu, Yoshio Okada, and 67 others・Mathematics with Everyone in Elementary School(in Japanese, Minnatomanabu shogakko sansu)
(Joint authorship)
Publisher: GAKKOTOSHO Co., Ltd.
Pages of article: Co-author, Coverage: 5th and 6th Grades -
Shin Hitomatsu, Yoshio Okada, and 67 others・Study with Your Friends, Mathematics for Elementary School
(Joint authorship)
Publisher: GAKKOTOSHO Co., Ltd.
Pages of article: Chief Editor (Grade 1- 6) -
(Joint authorship)
Pages of article: Chapter 3 -
(Joint authorship)
Metacognition in the Primary Classroom: A practical guide to helping children understand how they learn best
(Individual translation)
Number of pages: 全265p(担当:256p)
Academic papers
Satoshi Kusaka・The Philosophy of Endogenous Curriculum Development: Insights for Integrating Global Trends and Local Evidence
(Individual authorship)
Name of journal:Mongolian Journal of Educational Research
Volume / Issue / Page: Special Issue・54-61 -
Zaenuri, Arif Widiyatmoko, Satoshi Kusaka, Muslimah Susilayati, Subhan・Fostering Sustainability and Resiliency Skills through STEM Education Technology: A Scoping Review
(Joint authorship)
Name of journal:Pakistan Journal of Life and Social Sciences
Volume / Issue / Page: 22(2), 18224-18247 -
Rully Charitas Indra Prahmana, Satoshi Kusaka, Nur Robiah, Nofikusumawati Peni, Hiroyuki Endo, Ahmad Azhari, Kanako Tanikawa・Cross-cultural insights on computational thinking in geometry: Indonesian and Japanese students' perspectives
(Joint authorship)
Name of journal:Journal on Mathematics Education
Volume / Issue / Page: 15(2)・613-638 -
Ami IKEDA, Satoshi KUSAKA, Takuya BABA・Reconsidering A Case of Strengthening of Mathematics and Science in Secondary Education (SMASSE) Projects in Kenya from the Perspective of Endogenous Development
(Joint authorship)
Name of journal:Africa Educational Research Journal
Volume / Issue / Page: Vol.14, p.53-65 -
Students’ Mathematical Literacy Based On Visual Learning Style At Junior High School
(Joint authorship)
Volume / Issue / Page: 9(2), pp. 119-128 -
Analysing Teachers’ Perception of the Try-Understand-Apply-Mastered Discovery Learning Processes in Vanuatu Using the Constructivist Grounded Theory Approach
(Joint authorship)
Name of journal:International Journal of Educational Methodology
Volume / Issue / Page: 9(1), 123-138 -
Review of Competencies in Primary Education Curriculum in Mozambique : How an Assessment is Supposed to Be Done on It in Mathematics?
(Joint authorship)
Name of journal:NUE Journal of International Educational Cooperation
Volume / Issue / Page: Vol.16, p.11-19 -
Transition of Mozambique’s Primary Mathematics Intended Curriculum in the Post-Colonial Period: A Focus on Adaptation from an Exogenous Curriculum
(Individual authorship)
Name of journal:Africa Education Review
Volume / Issue / Page: 22-40 -
Metacognitive strategies in solving mathematical word problems: a case of Rwandan primary school learners
(Joint authorship)
Name of journal:SN Social Sciences, Springer Nature
Volume / Issue / Page: 2(9) -
Challenges and Possibilities of Local Curriculum in Primary Mathematics of Mozambique: M-GTA Analysis of Interviews Data with Curriculum Officer and Teachers
(Individual authorship)
Name of journal:Journal of International Development Studies
Volume / Issue / Page: 31巻・第1号・131-140 -
Exploring the Endogenous Development of Mathematics Curriculum in the African Context from the Perspective of Educational Borrowing Theory
(Individual authorship)
Name of journal:NUE Journal of International Educational Cooperation
Volume / Issue / Page: 15・13-24 -
Systematizing ICT Education Curriculum for Developing Computational Thinking: Case Studies of Curricula in the United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom
(Individual authorship)
Name of journal:Journal of Education and Learning
Volume / Issue / Page: 10(5), 76-76 -
(Individual authorship)
Volume / Issue / Page: 7(2), 77-91 -
The Role of Curriculum Studies in the Spread of Competency-Based Educational Reforms in African Countries
(Individual authorship)
Name of journal:Africa Educational Research Journal
Volume / Issue / Page: 11, pp.26-35 -
Comparative Analysis of Fraction’s Learning content and Sequence in Three Eastern and Southern African Countries: Basic Study of Intended Mathematics Curriculum in African Countries to Achieve SDGs Goal 4
(Individual authorship)
Name of journal:Journal of African Studies
Volume / Issue / Page: 98巻, 11-20 -
Analysis of the intended mathematics curriculum revision process in Mozambique from the perspective of relevance
(Joint authorship)
Name of journal:Journal of Curriculum Studies
Volume / Issue / Page: 1-17 -
Primary School Children's Counting and Number Composition Processes from Two Pilot Studies in Urban Schools in Zambia
(Joint authorship)
Name of journal:African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education
Volume / Issue / Page: 24(3), 361-374 -
Mozambique’s Primary Mathematics Curriculum Revision from a Perspective of Educational Borrowing: Focusing on Endogenous Development in Education
(Individual authorship)
Name of journal:Journal of International Development Studies
Volume / Issue / Page: 29 巻, 2 号, 89-104 -
Analysis of the characteristics of Mozambican primary mathematics textbooks compared with the Japanese textbooks focusing on tasks and problems related to the real world
(Individual authorship)
Name of journal:Global Journal of Educational Studies
Volume / Issue / Page: 6 (1), 1-14 -
Comparative Analysis of the Primary Mathematics Intended Curriculum between Mozambique and Portugal: Current Situation of the Transplanted Curriculum
(Individual authorship)
Name of journal:International Journal of Curriculum Development and Practice
Volume / Issue / Page: 22(1), 1-13 -
Issue Analysis of Competency-based Mathematics Curriculum Design in African countries: A Case Study of Mozambique's Primary Mathematics Education
(Individual authorship)
Name of journal:Journal of Education and Learning
Volume / Issue / Page: 9 (1), 41-50 -
Satoshi KUSAKA・A Proposition of an Analytical Framework of Mathematics Intended Curriculum from Socio-cultural Perspective - Examination of a validity of the constructed framework in basic structure with reference to Mozambique -
(Individual authorship)
Name of journal:Journal of JASME, Research in Mathematics Education
Volume / Issue / Page: 第24巻, 第2号, 67-76
Research bulletin of Naruto University of Education
Cesar Alberto SIMBINE, Satoshi KUSAKA, Hiroki ISHIZAKA・Analysis of Teachers' Understanding of Representations for Addition with Carrying and Subtraction with Borrowing
(Individual authorship)
Name of journal:NUE Journal of International Educational Cooperation
Volume / Issue / Page: Vol.17・35-41 -
Kanako TANIKAWA , Mayu Hamaguchi , Miwa Kawagoe , Satoshi KUSAKAA・A Comparison of Anxiety of Junior High School Students When Learning English: Focusing on the Special English Education Curriculum at Kochi Municipal Compulsory Education School, Tosayamagakusya
(Joint authorship)
Name of journal:NUE Journal of International Educational Cooperation
Volume / Issue / Page: Vol.17, 19-34 -
Antero de Almeida NHANTUMBO, Hiroki ISHIZAKA, Satoshi KUSAKA・Review of Competencies in Primary Education Curriculum in Mozambique : How an Assessment is Supposed to Be Done on It in Mathematics?
(Joint authorship)
Name of journal:NUE Journal of International Educational Cooperation
Volume / Issue / Page: Vol.16・11-19
Bulletin, etc.
Trends of Mathematics Education in Mozambique - Challenges and Prospects of Competency Based Educational Design
(Joint authorship)
Name of journal:NUE Journal of International Educational Cooperation
Volume / Issue / Page: 第 12 号,99-110
Conference presentations
Taiki Takemura, Satoshi Kusaka・Lesson Design Utilizing One-to-One Devices in Learning Area of a Circle: A Comparative Study of Learning Activities with Conventional Methods
(Presentation )
Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
Name of academic society:全国数学教育学会第61回研究発表会
Venue: Kanto Gakuin University -
Satoshi KUSAKA・Why Do Children Count Numbers All The Time? : Towards Mathematical Structure For All
(Symposium / invited lecture)
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:The 2nd International Conference on Education, Science Technology and Health (ICONESTH)
Venue: Bina Bangsa Getsempena University, Banda Ache, Indonesia(Online) -
Satoshi Kusaka・Philosophy of Endogenous Curriculum Development: Insights for Integrating Global Trends and Local Evidence
(Symposium / invited lecture)
Classification: Overseas academic society
Hiroyuki Endo, Satoshi Kusaka・Lessons and Assessments for Fostering Algorithmic Thinking through the Useof Scratch
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:JSSE 1st Research Conference 2024
Venue: Online -
Ami Ikeda , Satoshi Kusaka , Takuya Baba・A Study on the 'Sustainability' of Japan's International Educational Cooperation Projects: A Case Study of the Kenya Mathematics and Science Education Project
(Presentation )
Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
Name of academic society:アフリカ教育学会 第34 回大会
Venue: Hiroshima University -
Satoshi Kusaka・Curriculum Structure for Training Pre-service Teachers at Naruto University of Education
(Symposium / invited lecture)
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:Learning Outcome-Based Education" Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang;Indonesia
Venue: Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang/Online -
The Use of Metacognition in Solving Mathematical Word Problems by High School Students in the Republic of Rwanda
(Presentation )
Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
Name of academic society:日本科学教育学会第48回年会
Venue: National Institute of Technology, Hakodate College -
Arnal-Palacián, M., Kusaka, S, Oller-Marcén, A.M.・Metacognitive abilities of prospective early childhood education teachers in a mathematics education subject
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:27th Spanish Society for Research in Mathematics Education Conference
Venue: University of Córdoba -
Satoshi Kusaka・Challenges on implementing local curriculum in mathematics subject: A case of primary school in Mozambique
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:15th International Conference on Mathematics Education (ICME-15), TSG5.5: Social and political dimensions of mathematics education)
Venue: ICC Sydney, Sydney Austraria -
Development of a comparative analytical framework for mathematics curricula towards effective international cooperation
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:International Conference on Mathematics Education (ICME-15), TSG 5.11: International cooperation in mathematics education)
Venue: ICC Sydney, Sydney Austraria -
Research on the Foundation of Indonesia Students’ Algorithmic Thinking by Unplugged Programming Test
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:International Conference on Mathematics Education (ICME-15), TSG 1.9:Teaching and learning of computational thinking)
Venue: ICC Sydney, Sydney Austraria -
Analysis of the impact on science and mathematics education in Kenya through international educational cooperation: From the perspective of endogenous development and educational borrowing theories
(Presentation )
Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
Name of academic society:アフリカ教育学会第33回大会
Venue: Tohoku University -
Hiroyuki Endo, Kanako Tanikawa, Satoshi Kusaka・Classroom Practices for Fostering Algorithmic Thinking in Mathematics
(Presentation )
Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
Name of academic society:日本STEM教育学会拡大研究会
Venue: Online -
Watanabe, K, Nakawa, N, Kosaka, M, Kusaka, S, Baba, T, Arthur, M・Numeracy Skills in Primary School Education in Zambia:Secondary Analysis of JICA Numeracy Project Data
(Presentation )
Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
Name of academic society:全国数学教育学会 第59回研究発表会
Venue: University of Teacher Education Fukuoka -
What Is Better Use of Metacognitive Abilities? -Setting Mathematics Learning as Starting Point, Consideration on The Use of Metacognitive Abilitiess for Realizing Well-being-
(Symposium / invited lecture)
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:The 1st International Conference on Education, Science Technology and Health (ICONESTH) 2023
Venue: Bina Bangsa Getsempena University, Banda Ache, Indonesia -
Aspects of metacognitive skills in cooperative learning: A case study of a Grade 7 class in Rwanda
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:13th Biennial Conference of the Comparative Education Society of Asia
Venue: International Conference Center Hiroshima -
Exploring Motivation for Becoming a Teacher of Indonesian Pre-Service Teachers: Using Factors Influencing Teaching Fit-Choice Scale
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Venue: Sevilla, Spain -
Effects of Metacognitive Abilities in Solving Mathematical Word Problems: Case of Rwandan Secondary School Students
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation(ICERI)
Venue: Sevilla, Spain -
Process of Attitude Transformation of the Recipient Country's Officials and Its Impact on Endogenous Development: A Case Study of Science and Mathematics Education Projects in Kenya and Nigeria
(Presentation )
Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
Name of academic society:アフリカ教育学会 第32回大会
Venue: Teikyo University -
Tadayuki Kishimoto , Masami Isoda , Satoshi Kusaka , Uki Rahmawati・International Comparison of Coherence of Materials related to Mathematics Curriculum II"
(Presentation )
Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
Name of academic society:日本科学教育学会第47回年会
Venue: Ehime University -
Kanako Tanikawa, Yusuke Wakita, Simbine Alberto, Satoshi Kusaka・Analysis on the Reason for Selecting Teacher as a Professional Career of the Pedagogical University Students in Mozambique: Applying FIT-Choice Scale
(Presentation )
Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
Name of academic society:第24回国際開発学会春季大会
Akira Oshima, Satoshi Kusaka・Functions from Primary School: Comparing the Intended Curricula of Four Sub-Saharan African Countries
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:International Cooperation Development in Mathematics Education Discussion Group (ICDME)
Venue: University of Tsukuba -
WATANABE, K., KOSAKA, M., NAKAWA, N., KUSAKA, S., & BABA, T. ・Children’s Calculation Strategies in Primary Education in the Republic of Zambia
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:アフリカ教育学会第31回大会
Venue: Kobe University -
Ami Ikeda, Satoshi Kusaka, Takuya Baba・Reconsidering A Case of Strengthening of Mathematics and Science in Secondary Education (SMASSE) Projects in Kenya from the Perspective of Endogenous Development
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:アフリカ教育学会第31回大会
Venue: Kobe University -
Importance of Misconception in Mathematics learning
(Symposium / invited lecture)
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:Towards Better Education for Human Progress
Venue: Ahmad Dahlan University -
Analysis on Endogenous Mathematics Curriculum Development and Revision in Mozambique -The Case of the 2021 Curriculum Revision-
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:The 31th Conference of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education
Venue: Online -
(Presentation )
Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
Name of academic society:日本数学教育学会 第 55 回秋期研究大会開催
Challenges and Possibilities of Primary Mathematics Local Curriculum in Mozambique
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:Asia Pacific Conference on Curriculum Studies and Instructional Designing (APCCSID)
Venue: Hiroshima University -
Shogo INOUE , Kanako TANIKAWA , Shino MANABE , Yuto ISHIHARA , Shiho KADOYA , Satoshi KUSAKA・Study on ‘Transformation of Self as a Global Human Resource’ through Autoethnography -Based on the Experience of Continuous Participation in an Online Research Exchange Program with Indonesia
(Presentation )
Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
Name of academic society:グローバル人材育成教育学会 第10回全国大会・第3回国際遠隔会議
Venue: University of Human Environment -
(Presentation )
Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
Name of academic society:日本比較教育学会 第58回大会
Bangladesh's Mathematics Curriculum Revision of Primary Education Supported by JICA Technical Cooperation Project
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:International Cooperation Development in Mathematics Education Discussion Group (ICDME)
Venue: Online -
Metacognitive strategies in solving mathematical word problems: A case of Rwandan primary school pupils
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:The 30th Conference of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education
(Presentation )
Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
Name of academic society:国際開発学会第32回全国大会 2021年11月20日
(Presentation )
Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
Name of academic society:日本数学教育学会第 54 回秋期研究大会
Venue: Hiroshima University (Online) -
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:14th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME- 14)
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:14th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME- 14)
Venue: Palan, I., Tandale, S., Lavaki, G., Isoda, M., Kusaka, S., Ito, A. -
Limitations of Conventional Methods and Possibilities of Online Learning Methods for Formation of Local Knowledge: A Case Study of JICA Training
Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
Name of academic society:27th Japan Society for Africa Educational Research
Venue: Online -
Exploring the Potentialities of International Online Training: A Case of JICA Training “Mathematics Curriculum Development at Primary Level”
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:Asia Pacific Conference on Curriculum Studies and Instructional Designing
Venue: Online -
Analysis of the Teaching Content and Its Order with regard to Fractions in Three Eastern and Southern African Countries
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:The Southern African Association dedicated to the advancement of research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (SAARMSTE)
Venue: Online -
(Presentation )
Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
Name of academic society:日本アフリカ学会
Venue: Online -
An Analysis of the Intended Mathematics Curriculum Revision Process in Mozambique
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:The Southern African Association dedicated to the advancement of research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (SAARMSTE)
Venue: Nelson Mandela University -
Issues in Curriculum Studies Concerning the Spread of Competency-based Curriculum in African Countries
(Symposium / invited lecture)
Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
Name of academic society:第24回アフリカ教育学会特別セッション
Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
Name of academic society:日本教育工学会 2019年秋季全国大会
Analysis of the characteristics of Mozambican primary mathematics textbooks compared with the Japanese textbooks focusing on tasks and problems related to the real world
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:The 15th International Conference of The Mathematics Education for the Future Project
Venue: Maynooth University -
Overcoming Counting in Zambia: A Preliminary Analysis of Children's Number Recognition
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:43rd International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education
Venue: Pretoria University -
Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
Name of academic society:全国数学教育学会
Venue: Hiroshima University -
Comparative Analysis of Primary Mathematics Intended Curriculum between Mozambique and Portugal
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:The 6th World Curriculum Studies Conference
Venue: Melbourne University -
(Presentation )
Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
Name of academic society:全国数学教育学会
Venue: Hiroshima University -
A Comparative Analysis of Primary Mathematics curriculum -A study of present situation of the curriculum transplanted from developed countries
(Presentation )
Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
Name of academic society:全国数学教育学会
Venue: University of Shiga
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Exploring the Elements for Self-Sustained Development in International Educational Cooperation: A Case Study of Kenya and Surrounding Countries
Classification:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) -
Constructing the Basic Theory of Arithmetic and Mathematics Curriculum Utilizing Statistics from the Perspective of Glocality
Classification:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) -
Classification:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) -
Classification:Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists -
Classification:Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research(Fostering Joint International Research (B)) -
Classification:Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start-up
Research activities over the past five years
Shin Hitomatsu, Yoshio Okada, and 67 others・Mathematics with Everyone in Elementary School(in Japanese, Minnatomanabu shogakko sansu)
(Joint authorship)
Publisher: GAKKOTOSHO Co., Ltd.
Pages of article: Co-author, Coverage: 5th and 6th Grades -
Shin Hitomatsu, Yoshio Okada, and 67 others・Study with Your Friends, Mathematics for Elementary School
(Joint authorship)
Publisher: GAKKOTOSHO Co., Ltd.
Pages of article: Chief Editor (Grade 1- 6) -
(Joint authorship)
Pages of article: Chapter 3 -
(Joint authorship)
Metacognition in the Primary Classroom: A practical guide to helping children understand how they learn best
(Individual translation)
Number of pages: 全265p(担当:256p)
Academic papers
Satoshi Kusaka・The Philosophy of Endogenous Curriculum Development: Insights for Integrating Global Trends and Local Evidence
(Individual authorship)
Name of journal:Mongolian Journal of Educational Research
Volume / Issue / Page: Special Issue・54-61 -
Zaenuri, Arif Widiyatmoko, Satoshi Kusaka, Muslimah Susilayati, Subhan・Fostering Sustainability and Resiliency Skills through STEM Education Technology: A Scoping Review
(Joint authorship)
Name of journal:Pakistan Journal of Life and Social Sciences
Volume / Issue / Page: 22(2), 18224-18247 -
Rully Charitas Indra Prahmana, Satoshi Kusaka, Nur Robiah, Nofikusumawati Peni, Hiroyuki Endo, Ahmad Azhari, Kanako Tanikawa・Cross-cultural insights on computational thinking in geometry: Indonesian and Japanese students' perspectives
(Joint authorship)
Name of journal:Journal on Mathematics Education
Volume / Issue / Page: 15(2)・613-638 -
Ami IKEDA, Satoshi KUSAKA, Takuya BABA・Reconsidering A Case of Strengthening of Mathematics and Science in Secondary Education (SMASSE) Projects in Kenya from the Perspective of Endogenous Development
(Joint authorship)
Name of journal:Africa Educational Research Journal
Volume / Issue / Page: Vol.14, p.53-65 -
Students’ Mathematical Literacy Based On Visual Learning Style At Junior High School
(Joint authorship)
Volume / Issue / Page: 9(2), pp. 119-128 -
Analysing Teachers’ Perception of the Try-Understand-Apply-Mastered Discovery Learning Processes in Vanuatu Using the Constructivist Grounded Theory Approach
(Joint authorship)
Name of journal:International Journal of Educational Methodology
Volume / Issue / Page: 9(1), 123-138 -
Review of Competencies in Primary Education Curriculum in Mozambique : How an Assessment is Supposed to Be Done on It in Mathematics?
(Joint authorship)
Name of journal:NUE Journal of International Educational Cooperation
Volume / Issue / Page: Vol.16, p.11-19 -
Transition of Mozambique’s Primary Mathematics Intended Curriculum in the Post-Colonial Period: A Focus on Adaptation from an Exogenous Curriculum
(Individual authorship)
Name of journal:Africa Education Review
Volume / Issue / Page: 22-40 -
Metacognitive strategies in solving mathematical word problems: a case of Rwandan primary school learners
(Joint authorship)
Name of journal:SN Social Sciences, Springer Nature
Volume / Issue / Page: 2(9) -
Challenges and Possibilities of Local Curriculum in Primary Mathematics of Mozambique: M-GTA Analysis of Interviews Data with Curriculum Officer and Teachers
(Individual authorship)
Name of journal:Journal of International Development Studies
Volume / Issue / Page: 31巻・第1号・131-140 -
Exploring the Endogenous Development of Mathematics Curriculum in the African Context from the Perspective of Educational Borrowing Theory
(Individual authorship)
Name of journal:NUE Journal of International Educational Cooperation
Volume / Issue / Page: 15・13-24 -
Systematizing ICT Education Curriculum for Developing Computational Thinking: Case Studies of Curricula in the United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom
(Individual authorship)
Name of journal:Journal of Education and Learning
Volume / Issue / Page: 10(5), 76-76 -
(Individual authorship)
Volume / Issue / Page: 7(2), 77-91 -
The Role of Curriculum Studies in the Spread of Competency-Based Educational Reforms in African Countries
(Individual authorship)
Name of journal:Africa Educational Research Journal
Volume / Issue / Page: 11, pp.26-35
Research bulletin of Naruto University of Education
Cesar Alberto SIMBINE, Satoshi KUSAKA, Hiroki ISHIZAKA・Analysis of Teachers' Understanding of Representations for Addition with Carrying and Subtraction with Borrowing
(Individual authorship)
Name of journal:NUE Journal of International Educational Cooperation
Volume / Issue / Page: Vol.17・35-41 -
Kanako TANIKAWA , Mayu Hamaguchi , Miwa Kawagoe , Satoshi KUSAKAA・A Comparison of Anxiety of Junior High School Students When Learning English: Focusing on the Special English Education Curriculum at Kochi Municipal Compulsory Education School, Tosayamagakusya
(Joint authorship)
Name of journal:NUE Journal of International Educational Cooperation
Volume / Issue / Page: Vol.17, 19-34 -
Antero de Almeida NHANTUMBO, Hiroki ISHIZAKA, Satoshi KUSAKA・Review of Competencies in Primary Education Curriculum in Mozambique : How an Assessment is Supposed to Be Done on It in Mathematics?
(Joint authorship)
Name of journal:NUE Journal of International Educational Cooperation
Volume / Issue / Page: Vol.16・11-19
Conference presentations
Taiki Takemura, Satoshi Kusaka・Lesson Design Utilizing One-to-One Devices in Learning Area of a Circle: A Comparative Study of Learning Activities with Conventional Methods
(Presentation )
Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
Name of academic society:全国数学教育学会第61回研究発表会
Venue: Kanto Gakuin University -
Satoshi KUSAKA・Why Do Children Count Numbers All The Time? : Towards Mathematical Structure For All
(Symposium / invited lecture)
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:The 2nd International Conference on Education, Science Technology and Health (ICONESTH)
Venue: Bina Bangsa Getsempena University, Banda Ache, Indonesia(Online) -
Satoshi Kusaka・Philosophy of Endogenous Curriculum Development: Insights for Integrating Global Trends and Local Evidence
(Symposium / invited lecture)
Classification: Overseas academic society
Hiroyuki Endo, Satoshi Kusaka・Lessons and Assessments for Fostering Algorithmic Thinking through the Useof Scratch
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:JSSE 1st Research Conference 2024
Venue: Online -
Ami Ikeda , Satoshi Kusaka , Takuya Baba・A Study on the 'Sustainability' of Japan's International Educational Cooperation Projects: A Case Study of the Kenya Mathematics and Science Education Project
(Presentation )
Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
Name of academic society:アフリカ教育学会 第34 回大会
Venue: Hiroshima University -
Satoshi Kusaka・Curriculum Structure for Training Pre-service Teachers at Naruto University of Education
(Symposium / invited lecture)
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:Learning Outcome-Based Education" Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang;Indonesia
Venue: Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang/Online -
The Use of Metacognition in Solving Mathematical Word Problems by High School Students in the Republic of Rwanda
(Presentation )
Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
Name of academic society:日本科学教育学会第48回年会
Venue: National Institute of Technology, Hakodate College -
Arnal-Palacián, M., Kusaka, S, Oller-Marcén, A.M.・Metacognitive abilities of prospective early childhood education teachers in a mathematics education subject
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:27th Spanish Society for Research in Mathematics Education Conference
Venue: University of Córdoba -
Satoshi Kusaka・Challenges on implementing local curriculum in mathematics subject: A case of primary school in Mozambique
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:15th International Conference on Mathematics Education (ICME-15), TSG5.5: Social and political dimensions of mathematics education)
Venue: ICC Sydney, Sydney Austraria -
Development of a comparative analytical framework for mathematics curricula towards effective international cooperation
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:International Conference on Mathematics Education (ICME-15), TSG 5.11: International cooperation in mathematics education)
Venue: ICC Sydney, Sydney Austraria -
Research on the Foundation of Indonesia Students’ Algorithmic Thinking by Unplugged Programming Test
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:International Conference on Mathematics Education (ICME-15), TSG 1.9:Teaching and learning of computational thinking)
Venue: ICC Sydney, Sydney Austraria -
Analysis of the impact on science and mathematics education in Kenya through international educational cooperation: From the perspective of endogenous development and educational borrowing theories
(Presentation )
Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
Name of academic society:アフリカ教育学会第33回大会
Venue: Tohoku University -
Hiroyuki Endo, Kanako Tanikawa, Satoshi Kusaka・Classroom Practices for Fostering Algorithmic Thinking in Mathematics
(Presentation )
Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
Name of academic society:日本STEM教育学会拡大研究会
Venue: Online -
Watanabe, K, Nakawa, N, Kosaka, M, Kusaka, S, Baba, T, Arthur, M・Numeracy Skills in Primary School Education in Zambia:Secondary Analysis of JICA Numeracy Project Data
(Presentation )
Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
Name of academic society:全国数学教育学会 第59回研究発表会
Venue: University of Teacher Education Fukuoka -
What Is Better Use of Metacognitive Abilities? -Setting Mathematics Learning as Starting Point, Consideration on The Use of Metacognitive Abilitiess for Realizing Well-being-
(Symposium / invited lecture)
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:The 1st International Conference on Education, Science Technology and Health (ICONESTH) 2023
Venue: Bina Bangsa Getsempena University, Banda Ache, Indonesia -
Aspects of metacognitive skills in cooperative learning: A case study of a Grade 7 class in Rwanda
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:13th Biennial Conference of the Comparative Education Society of Asia
Venue: International Conference Center Hiroshima -
Exploring Motivation for Becoming a Teacher of Indonesian Pre-Service Teachers: Using Factors Influencing Teaching Fit-Choice Scale
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Venue: Sevilla, Spain -
Effects of Metacognitive Abilities in Solving Mathematical Word Problems: Case of Rwandan Secondary School Students
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation(ICERI)
Venue: Sevilla, Spain -
Process of Attitude Transformation of the Recipient Country's Officials and Its Impact on Endogenous Development: A Case Study of Science and Mathematics Education Projects in Kenya and Nigeria
(Presentation )
Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
Name of academic society:アフリカ教育学会 第32回大会
Venue: Teikyo University -
Tadayuki Kishimoto , Masami Isoda , Satoshi Kusaka , Uki Rahmawati・International Comparison of Coherence of Materials related to Mathematics Curriculum II"
(Presentation )
Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
Name of academic society:日本科学教育学会第47回年会
Venue: Ehime University -
Kanako Tanikawa, Yusuke Wakita, Simbine Alberto, Satoshi Kusaka・Analysis on the Reason for Selecting Teacher as a Professional Career of the Pedagogical University Students in Mozambique: Applying FIT-Choice Scale
(Presentation )
Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
Name of academic society:第24回国際開発学会春季大会
Akira Oshima, Satoshi Kusaka・Functions from Primary School: Comparing the Intended Curricula of Four Sub-Saharan African Countries
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:International Cooperation Development in Mathematics Education Discussion Group (ICDME)
Venue: University of Tsukuba -
WATANABE, K., KOSAKA, M., NAKAWA, N., KUSAKA, S., & BABA, T. ・Children’s Calculation Strategies in Primary Education in the Republic of Zambia
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:アフリカ教育学会第31回大会
Venue: Kobe University -
Ami Ikeda, Satoshi Kusaka, Takuya Baba・Reconsidering A Case of Strengthening of Mathematics and Science in Secondary Education (SMASSE) Projects in Kenya from the Perspective of Endogenous Development
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:アフリカ教育学会第31回大会
Venue: Kobe University -
Importance of Misconception in Mathematics learning
(Symposium / invited lecture)
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:Towards Better Education for Human Progress
Venue: Ahmad Dahlan University -
Analysis on Endogenous Mathematics Curriculum Development and Revision in Mozambique -The Case of the 2021 Curriculum Revision-
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:The 31th Conference of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education
Venue: Online -
(Presentation )
Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
Name of academic society:日本数学教育学会 第 55 回秋期研究大会開催
Challenges and Possibilities of Primary Mathematics Local Curriculum in Mozambique
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:Asia Pacific Conference on Curriculum Studies and Instructional Designing (APCCSID)
Venue: Hiroshima University -
Shogo INOUE , Kanako TANIKAWA , Shino MANABE , Yuto ISHIHARA , Shiho KADOYA , Satoshi KUSAKA・Study on ‘Transformation of Self as a Global Human Resource’ through Autoethnography -Based on the Experience of Continuous Participation in an Online Research Exchange Program with Indonesia
(Presentation )
Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
Name of academic society:グローバル人材育成教育学会 第10回全国大会・第3回国際遠隔会議
Venue: University of Human Environment -
(Presentation )
Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
Name of academic society:日本比較教育学会 第58回大会
Bangladesh's Mathematics Curriculum Revision of Primary Education Supported by JICA Technical Cooperation Project
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:International Cooperation Development in Mathematics Education Discussion Group (ICDME)
Venue: Online -
Metacognitive strategies in solving mathematical word problems: A case of Rwandan primary school pupils
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:The 30th Conference of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education
(Presentation )
Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
Name of academic society:国際開発学会第32回全国大会 2021年11月20日
(Presentation )
Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
Name of academic society:日本数学教育学会第 54 回秋期研究大会
Venue: Hiroshima University (Online) -
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:14th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME- 14)
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:14th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME- 14)
Venue: Palan, I., Tandale, S., Lavaki, G., Isoda, M., Kusaka, S., Ito, A. -
Limitations of Conventional Methods and Possibilities of Online Learning Methods for Formation of Local Knowledge: A Case Study of JICA Training
Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
Name of academic society:27th Japan Society for Africa Educational Research
Venue: Online -
Exploring the Potentialities of International Online Training: A Case of JICA Training “Mathematics Curriculum Development at Primary Level”
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:Asia Pacific Conference on Curriculum Studies and Instructional Designing
Venue: Online -
Analysis of the Teaching Content and Its Order with regard to Fractions in Three Eastern and Southern African Countries
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:The Southern African Association dedicated to the advancement of research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (SAARMSTE)
Venue: Online
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Exploring the Elements for Self-Sustained Development in International Educational Cooperation: A Case Study of Kenya and Surrounding Countries
Classification:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) -
Constructing the Basic Theory of Arithmetic and Mathematics Curriculum Utilizing Statistics from the Perspective of Glocality
Classification:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) -
Classification:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) -
Classification:Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists -
Classification:Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research(Fostering Joint International Research (B)) -
Classification:Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start-up