Faculty profiles
Basic information
Gerard Marchesseau
- Affiliation
- Associate Professor
- Affiliated education department
- Human Education
- Affiliated course
- Global Education, English
- Affiliated center
- Center for English Language Education at Elementary Schools[CELEES]
- gerard@naruto-u.ac.jp
Master of Applied Linguistics (TESOL): Macquarie University()
Current fields of research and their synopses
Content-based language teaching, English education, Lesson study, Team teaching, Motivation
My broad area of research is language education and classroom research, including motivation and team teaching.
Affiliated academic societies
Japan Association of Language Teachers, The Japan Society of English Language Education, Shikoku English Language Education Society
Major research achievement
Inquiries of Pedagogical Shifts and Critical Mindsets Among Educators
(Individual authorship)
Publisher: IGI Global
Raising bilingual and bicultural children in Japan
(Joint authorship)
Publisher: JALT Bilingual SIG
Pages of article: Chapter 4: Bilingual Child-raising: 'And we thought this would be easy...'
Academic papers
Relationships among EFL learners’ knowledge of pronunciation, oral performance, and intelligibility
(Joint authorship)
Name of journal:Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan (ARELE)
Volume / Issue / Page: 第20号 -
Effective Team Teaching
(Individual authorship)
Name of journal:EIKEN Step Bulletin
Volume / Issue / Page: 通巻73呉 -
Assessing the Level Gap in English Ability For Elementary School Students
(Joint authorship)
Name of journal:Shikoku English Language Education Society
Volume / Issue / Page: 第27号 -
An Examination of Team Teaching in Japanese English Classrooms : International Lessons for Improving English Language Education
(Joint authorship)
Name of journal:Proceeding for International Conference for Education 2005
The evolution of contrastive rhetoric and a suggested pedagogic approach
(Individual authorship)
Name of journal:Shikoku English Language Education Society
Volume / Issue / Page: 25,pp.31-40.
Decoding lesson study: Narratives from Japan
(Individual authorship)
Name of journal:Proceedings of the 10th Centre for Language Studies International Conference
Does Japanese Education Live up to the Promise?
(Individual authorship)
Name of journal:Hamzanwadi International Conference on Education
Establishing Positive Test Washback in Communicative University English Classes
(Individual authorship)
Name of journal:Hong Kong International Conference on Education, Psychology and Society
Assistant Language Teachers as a Catalyst for Communicative Competence in Japan
(Individual authorship)
Name of journal:The Sixth CLS International Confernce, 2014 (National University of Singapore)
Research bulletin of Naruto University of Education
Student Feedback About Online Learning
(Individual authorship)
Name of journal:Research bulletin of Naruto University of Education
Bulletin, etc.
Achievement and motivation in English learning
(Individual authorship)
Name of journal:Naruto English Studies
Effective team teaching using the presentation, practice, production method
(Individual authorship)
Name of journal:Journal of English Studies, Naruto University of Education
Roles and limitations for Assistant Language Teachers in elementary school English classes
(Individual authorship)
Name of journal:Naruto University of Education Center for English Education at Elementary Schools Journal
An Investigation of Task-based Language Teaching in Elementary School
(Joint authorship)
An applied linguistics perspective on bilingual child-raising: Communicative language teaching on trial?
(Individual authorship)
Name of journal:Bilingual Japan: The newsletter of the JALT special interest group on bilingualism
Establishing Positive Test Washback in Communicative University English Classes
(Individual authorship)
Name of journal:Naruto English Studies
Volume / Issue / Page: 第22号 -
Lessons from a Communicative Test for Young Learners
(Individual authorship)
Name of journal:NUE Center for English Language Education in Elementary School Journal
Volume / Issue / Page: 創刊号 -
The effect of presenting vocabulary items in collocation vs. teaching new items in isolation
(Joint authorship)
Name of journal:Naruto English Studies
Volume / Issue / Page: 21 pp. 79-88 -
The state of the JET programme, team teaching and English education in Japan
(Individual authorship)
Name of journal:Naruto English Studies
Volume / Issue / Page: 21, pp. 168-174
Others (monthly magazines, etc.)
Cross-cultural exchange between elementary schools and Global Education students (Marchesseau, G.)
(Individual authorship)
Name of journal:Newsletter of the Center for English Language at Elementary Schools, NUE
Volume / Issue / Page: 23 -
ALT training and international exchange initiatives (Marchesseau, G.)
(Individual authorship)
Name of journal:Newsletter of the Center for English Language at Elementary Schools, NUE
Volume / Issue / Page: 22
Conference presentations
Decoding Lesson Study: Narratives from ALTs in Japan (Marchesseau, G.)
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:National University of Singapore Centre for Language Studies International Conference
Venue: Singapore -
2024 Kumamoto Prefecture ALT Skills Development Conference Keynote (Marchesseau, G.)
(Symposium / invited lecture)
Classification: Educational related study session
Name of academic society:SDC熊本県2024JETALT指導力等向上研修
Venue: Kumanoto City -
Factors affecting job satisfaction for ALTs (Marchesseau, G.)
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:JALT 2024 International Conference
Venue: Shizuoka City -
The truth about team teaching from the viewpoint of ALTs and Japanese teachers (Marchesseau, G.)
(Symposium / invited lecture)
Classification: Educational related study session
Name of academic society:令和6年度JETプログラム外国語指導助手の指導力等向上研修実施要項(和歌山県)
Venue: Tanabe City, Wakayama -
Lesson Study: The biggest thing in professional development you've never heard of (Marchesseau, G.)
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:Innovate ELT by OxfordTEFL
Venue: oxfordtefl, Barcelona -
Practical Team Teaching video examples
(Presentation )
Classification: Domestic academic society (regional block)
Name of academic society:SPODフォーラム2021
Venue: Kochi -
Models for team teaching and classroom English for Japanese teachers
(Symposium / invited lecture)
Classification: Domestic academic society (regional block)
Name of academic society:四国英語教育学会
Venue: Ehime University -
Does Japanese Education Live up to the Promise?
(Symposium / invited lecture)
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:Hamzanwadi International Conference on Education
Venue: Lombok, Indonesia -
The Link between English ability and motivation for pre-service teachers in Japan
(Symposium / invited lecture)
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:The Japan-U.S. Teacher Education Consortium
Venue: University of Hawaii at Manoa -
Gerard Marchesseau, Linking motivation and progress for pre-service English teachers
(Symposium / invited lecture)
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:National University of Singapore, CLS international conference
An investigation into team teaching in Japanese elementary school Foreign Language Activities classes
(Symposium / invited lecture)
Classification: Domestic academic society (regional block)
Name of academic society:四国英語教育学会
Venue: Kochi Prefectural University -
Establishing Positive Test Washback in Communicative University English Classes
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:Hong Kong International Conference on Education, Psychology and Society
Venue: Hong Kong -
Introduction of English into the Japanese Elementary School Curriculum
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:International Council on Education for Teaching (ICET)
Venue: Naruto University of Education -
Assistant Langauge Teachers as a Catalyst for Communicative Competence in Japan
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:The Sixth CLS International Conference
Venue: National University of Singapore -
Integrating Meaning with Form to Practice Pronunciation
(Presentation )
Classification: Domestic academic society (regional block)
Name of academic society:East Shikoku JALT Chapter "MyShare Mountain Retreat"
Venue: Maikoawa Schoolhouse, Konan, Kochi -
Myths and reality concerning native-speakers of English in English language classrooms in Japan
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:Japan U.S. Teacher Education Consortium (JUSTEC)
Venue: Tacoma, Washington -
Issues and Challenges in Elementary School English Education in Japan
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:JUSTEC (Japan United-States Teacher Education Consortium)
Venue: Naruto University of Education -
A Post-Friendship Program Exchange Trip Between Naruto Universitiy of Eduation and Scales Elementary School.
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:JUSTEC (Japan - United States Teacher Education Consortium)
Venue: Naruto University of Education -
Primary school English: Theory, practice and MEXT
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:Japan Association of Language Teachers
Venue: Tokyo -
Feature Presentation: Results from an Ongoing JUSTEC Collaboration project
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:23rd Annual JUSTEC Conference
Venue: University of Massachusetts Lowell -
English and Engineers
(Symposium / invited lecture)
Classification: Domestic academic society (regional block)
Name of academic society:阿南高専国際交流フォーラム
Venue: Anan National Institute of Technology -
Results of a communicative test for young learners
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:The Japan Association for Language Teaching 36th International Conference
Venue: Aichi Industry and Labor Center, Nagoya -
Meaning Focused Activities in Elementary School
(Presentation )
Classification: Domestic academic society (regional block)
Name of academic society:East Shikoku JALT chapter meeting
Venue: Tokushima University -
Striving for Positive Washback in Assessment: A Preliminary Study
(Presentation )
Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
Name of academic society:第34回全国英語教育学会東京大会研究発表
Venue: Showa Women's University -
Bridging Level Gaps in Primary English Education
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:The Japan Association for Language Teaching 32nd International Conference
Venue: Kitakyusyu International Conference Center -
Assessing the English Level Gap in Elementary School : The first stage of an action plan research project
Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
Name of academic society:第32回全国英語教育学会高知大会研究発表
Venue: Kochi University -
Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
Name of academic society:第7回小学校英語教育学会(JES)岐阜大会
An Examination of Team Teaching in Japanese English Classrooms : International Lessons for Improving English Language Education
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:International Conference for Education 2005
Venue: University of Singapore, Singapore
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Classification:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) -
Classification:Grant-in-Aid for Specially Promoted Research -
Classification:Grant-in-Aid for Specially Promoted Research
Research activities over the past five years
Inquiries of Pedagogical Shifts and Critical Mindsets Among Educators
(Individual authorship)
Publisher: IGI Global
Decoding lesson study: Narratives from Japan
(Individual authorship)
Name of journal:Proceedings of the 10th Centre for Language Studies International Conference
Research bulletin of Naruto University of Education
Student Feedback About Online Learning
(Individual authorship)
Name of journal:Research bulletin of Naruto University of Education
Others (monthly magazines, etc.)
Cross-cultural exchange between elementary schools and Global Education students (Marchesseau, G.)
(Individual authorship)
Name of journal:Newsletter of the Center for English Language at Elementary Schools, NUE
Volume / Issue / Page: 23 -
ALT training and international exchange initiatives (Marchesseau, G.)
(Individual authorship)
Name of journal:Newsletter of the Center for English Language at Elementary Schools, NUE
Volume / Issue / Page: 22
Conference presentations
Decoding Lesson Study: Narratives from ALTs in Japan (Marchesseau, G.)
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:National University of Singapore Centre for Language Studies International Conference
Venue: Singapore -
2024 Kumamoto Prefecture ALT Skills Development Conference Keynote (Marchesseau, G.)
(Symposium / invited lecture)
Classification: Educational related study session
Name of academic society:SDC熊本県2024JETALT指導力等向上研修
Venue: Kumanoto City -
Factors affecting job satisfaction for ALTs (Marchesseau, G.)
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:JALT 2024 International Conference
Venue: Shizuoka City -
The truth about team teaching from the viewpoint of ALTs and Japanese teachers (Marchesseau, G.)
(Symposium / invited lecture)
Classification: Educational related study session
Name of academic society:令和6年度JETプログラム外国語指導助手の指導力等向上研修実施要項(和歌山県)
Venue: Tanabe City, Wakayama -
Lesson Study: The biggest thing in professional development you've never heard of (Marchesseau, G.)
(Presentation )
Classification: Overseas academic society
Name of academic society:Innovate ELT by OxfordTEFL
Venue: oxfordtefl, Barcelona -
Practical Team Teaching video examples
(Presentation )
Classification: Domestic academic society (regional block)
Name of academic society:SPODフォーラム2021
Venue: Kochi