Faculty profiles

Basic information

Tanaka Haruyoshi
  • Affiliation
    Associate Professor
  • Affiliated education department
    Advanced Practice of School Education(School Subjects Education)
  • Affiliated course
  • TEL
  • E-mail
  • URL


Master of Science(Hiroshima University)
Doctor of Science(Hiroshima University)

Thesis title

Spectral properties of a class of generalized Ruelle operators(Doctor thesis)

Current fields of research and their synopses


probability theory, ergodic theory, fractal


Asymptotic analysis of nonconformal iterated function systems, and study of metastable systems via perturbation analysis of transfer operators

Affiliated academic societies

The Mathematical Society of Japan
The Japan Statistical Society
American Mathematical Society

Major research achievement

Academic papers

  1. Haruyoshi Tanaka, Asymptotic solution of Bowen equation for perturbed potentials on shift spaces with countable states (2022/12/01) (Individual authorship)
    Name of journal:Journal of Fractal Geometry
    Volume / Issue / Page: 9, no. 3/4, pp. 273–324
  2. Haruyoshi Tanaka, Perturbed finite-state Markov systems with holes and Perron complements of Ruelle operators (2020/01/18) (Individual authorship)
    Name of journal:Israel Journal of Mathematics
    Volume / Issue / Page: 236, 91-131
  3. Haruyoshi Tanaka, Perturbation analysis in thermodynamics using matrix representations of Ruelle operators and its application to graph IFS (2019/01/17) (Individual authorship)
    Name of journal:Nonlinearity
    Volume / Issue / Page: 32, 728–767
  4. Haruyoshi Tanaka, Asymptotic perturbation of graph iterated function systems (2016/05/09) (Individual authorship)
    Name of journal:Journal of Fractal Geometry
    Volume / Issue / Page: 3, 119--161
  5. Haruyoshi Tanaka, An asymptotic analysis in thermodynamic formalism (2010/08/04) (Individual authorship)
    Name of journal:Monatshefte für Mathematik
    Volume / Issue / Page: 164, 467-486
  6. Haruyoshi Tanaka, Spectral properties of a class of generalized Ruelle operators (2009/07/01) (Individual authorship)
    Name of journal:Hiroshima Mathematical Journal
    Volume / Issue / Page: 39, 181-205
  7. Takehiko Morita; Haruyoshi Tanaka, Singular perturbation of symbolic dynamics via thermodynamic formalism, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems (2008/08/01) (Joint authorship)
    Name of journal:Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems
    Volume / Issue / Page: 28, 1261-1289


  1. 田中晴喜,Higher-order asymptotic behaviours of pressure functionals and statistical representations of the coefficients (2024/03/01) (Individual authorship)
    Volume / Issue / Page: 59-60
  2. 田中晴喜,On dimension estimates in nonconformal graph iterated function systems via asymptotic perturbation (2023/03/01) (Individual authorship)
    Name of journal:日本数学会 2023年度日本数学会年会,統計数学分科会講演アブストラクト
    Volume / Issue / Page: 43-44
  3. 田中晴喜,Some properties of Perron complements of Ruelle operators (2019/09/01) (Individual authorship)
    Name of journal:日本数学会 2019年度秋季総合分科会,統計数学分科会講演アブストラクト
    Volume / Issue / Page: 61-62
  4. 田中晴喜,On convergence of the Gibbs measures of perturbed graph iterated function systems with degeneration (2018/09/01) (Individual authorship)
    Name of journal: 2018年日本数学会年会,統計数学分科会講演アブストラクト
    Volume / Issue / Page: 17-18
  5. 田中晴喜,Asymptotic perturbation of graph iterated function systems (2016/09/01) (Individual authorship)
    Name of journal:日本数学会 2016年日本数学会年会,統計数学分科会講演アブストラクト
    Volume / Issue / Page: 5-6
  6. 田中晴喜,An asymptotic analysis in thermodynamic formalism (2010/09/01) (Individual authorship)
    Name of journal:日本数学会 2010年度年会,統計数学分科会講演アブストラクト
    Volume / Issue / Page: 83-84
  7. 田中晴喜,Spectral properties of generalized Ruelle operators (2008/03/01) (Individual authorship)
    Name of journal:日本数学会 2008年度年会,統計数学分科会講演アブストラクト
  8. 田中晴喜,有限個のmixing component からなる記号力学系の特異摂動について (2006/09/01) (Individual authorship)
    Name of journal:日本数学会 2006年度秋季総合分科会,統計数学分科会講演アブストラクト
  9. 田中晴喜; 盛田健彦,記号力学系の特異摂動と熱力学形式 (2005/09/01) (Joint authorship)
    Name of journal:日本数学会 2005年度秋季総合分科会,統計数学分科会講演アブストラクト
    Volume / Issue / Page: 11-12

Bulletin, etc.

  1. Haruyoshi Tanaka, Asymptotic behaviours of thermodynamic quantities in perturbed graph directed Markov systems (2023/12/01) (Individual authorship)
    Volume / Issue / Page: 2270, 34-46
  2. Haruyoshi Tanaka, Asymptotic behaviours of pressure functionals and statistical representations of the coefficients (2022/04/01) (Individual authorship)
    Name of journal:RIMS Kokyuroku
    Volume / Issue / Page: 2217, 51-61
  3. Haruyoshi Tanaka, Asymptotic solution of Bowen equation for perturbed potentials defined on shift space (2021/04/01) (Individual authorship)
    Name of journal:RIMS Kokyuroku
    Volume / Issue / Page: 2176, 28-36
  4. Haruyoshi Tanaka, Invariant measure of perturbed graph-directed IFS with degeneration (2019/07/01) (Individual authorship)
    Name of journal:RIMS Kokyuroku
    Volume / Issue / Page: 2115, 73-82

Conference presentations

  1. (2024/03/18) (Presentation )
    Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
    Name of academic society:2024年 日本数学会年会
  2. (2024/03/15) (Presentation )
    Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
    Name of academic society:研究集会"ランダム力学系とエルゴード理論"
  3. (2024/02/01) (Presentation )
    Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
    Name of academic society:Workshop"数論とエルゴード理論"
  4. (2024/01/01) (Presentation )
    Classification: Domestic academic society (regional block)
    Name of academic society:令和5年度日本数学会中国・四国支部例会
  5. Haruyoshi Tanaka, On dimension estimates in graph iterated function systems on quasi-normed spaces (2023/12/22) (Symposium / invited lecture)
    Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
    Name of academic society:OCAMI 数論・力学系セミナー
    Venue: Osaka Metropolitan University Sugimoto Campus, Osaka city
  6. Haruyoshi Tanaka, Higher-order asymptotic behaviours of pressure functionals and statistical representations of the coefficients (2023/12/08) (Presentation )
    Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
    Name of academic society:2023 年度エルゴード理論研究集会
    Venue: Hiroshima University, Higashi-hiroshima city
  7. Haruyoshi Tanaka, Dimension estimates in nonconformal graph directed iterated function systems via asymptotic perturbation (2023/09/01) (Presentation )
    Classification: Overseas academic society
    Name of academic society:XLIII Dynamics Days Europe
    Venue: Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Naples, Italy
  8. 田中晴喜,On dimension estimates in nonconformal graph iterated function systems via asymptotic perturbation (2023/03/01) (Presentation )
    Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
    Name of academic society:日本数学会2023年度年会
  9. 田中晴喜,Quasi-compactness of transfer operators for topological Markov shifts with holes and some applications (2022/11/01) (Symposium / invited lecture)
    Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
    Name of academic society:研究集会「エルゴード理論の最近の進展」
    Venue: 京都大学,京都市
  10. 田中晴喜,Asymptotic behaviors of thermodynamic quantities in perturbed graph directed Markov systems (2022/09/01) (Symposium / invited lecture)
    Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
    Name of academic society:研究集会「ランダム力学系・非自励力学系研究の展望:理論と応用」
    Venue: 京都大学,京都市
  11. 田中晴喜,Asymptotic behaviours of pressure functionals and statistical representations of the coefficients (2021/08/01) (Symposium / invited lecture)
    Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
    Name of academic society:研究集会「ランダム力学系および多価写像力学系理論の総合的研究」
    Venue: 京都大学(オンライン開催)
  12. 田中晴喜,ホールをもつ摂動マルコフシステムとRuelle転送作用素のPerron補元 (2021/07/01) (Symposium / invited lecture)
    Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
    Name of academic society:広島大学数学科談話会
    Venue: 広島大学(オンライン開催)
  13. Haruyoshi Tanaka, Perturbed finite-state Markov systems with holes and Perron complements of Ruelle operators (2019/12/01) (Presentation )
    Classification: Overseas academic society
    Name of academic society:XV Latin American Congress of Probability and Mathematical Statistics (CLAPEM 2019)
    Venue: Centro Cultural Universitario, Mérida-Yucatán, México
  14. 田中晴喜,Perturbed Markov systems with holes and Perron complements of Ruelle operators (2019/12/01) (Presentation )
    Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
    Name of academic society:研究集会「2019年度確率論シンポジウム」
    Venue: 慶應義塾大学日吉キャンパス,横浜市
  15. 田中晴喜,Some properties of Perron complements of Ruelle operators (2019/09/01) (Presentation )
    Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
    Name of academic society:日本数学会 2019年度秋季総合分科会
    Venue: 金沢大学,金沢市
  16. 田中晴喜,Asymptotic solution of Bowen equation for perturbed potentials defined on shift spaces (2019/08/01) (Symposium / invited lecture)
    Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
    Name of academic society:研究集会「Research on the Theory of Random Dynamical Systems and Fractal Geometry」
    Venue: 京都大学,京都市
  17. 田中晴喜,Asymptotic behavior of Hausdorff dimension in perturbed graph directed Markov systems (2018/11/01) (Presentation )
    Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
    Name of academic society:エルゴード理論とその周辺
    Venue: 大阪大学豊中キャンパス,豊中市
  18. Haruyoshi Tanaka, Convergence of the Gibbs measures of perturbed graph iterated functions systems with degeneration (2018/07/01) (Presentation )
    Classification: Overseas academic society
    Name of academic society:The 12th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems
    Venue: National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
  19. 田中晴喜,On convergence of the Gibbs measures of perturbed graph iterated function systems with degeneration (2018/03/01) (Presentation )
    Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
    Name of academic society:日本数学会2018年度年会
    Venue: 東京大学駒場キャンパス,東京都目黒区
  20. 田中晴喜,Perturbation analysis in thermodynamics using matrix representations of Ruelle operators and its application to graph IFS (2017/11/01) (Presentation )
    Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
    Name of academic society:研究集会「エルゴード理論とその周辺」
    Venue: 広島大学,東広島市
  21. 田中晴喜,Coupling theorem of Gibbs measures and its application (2017/02/01) (Symposium / invited lecture)
    Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
    Name of academic society:研究集会「岡山-広島解析・確率論セミナー2017」
    Venue: 岡山大学,岡山市
  22. Haruyoshi Tanaka, Asymptotic perturbation of graph iterated function systems (2016/05/01) (Symposium / invited lecture)
    Classification: Overseas academic society
    Name of academic society:Dynamics, Ergodic Theory and Fractals
    Venue: 大阪大学豊中キャンパス,豊中市
  23. 田中晴喜,Asymptotic perturbation of graph iterated function systems (2016/03/01) (Presentation )
    Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
    Name of academic society:日本数学会2016年度年会
    Venue: 筑波大学,つくば市
  24. 田中晴喜,一般化されたRuelle作用素の漸近摂動とその応用 (2010/12/01) (Presentation )
    Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
    Name of academic society:ウィナーカオスとその周辺
    Venue: 愛知教育大学,刈谷市
  25. 田中晴喜,An asymptotic analysis in thermodynamic formalism (2010/03/01) (Presentation )
    Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
    Name of academic society:日本数学会2010年度年会
    Venue: 慶應 義塾大学矢上キャンパス,横浜市
  26. 田中晴喜,Spectral properties of a class of generalized Ruelle operators (2008/12/01) (Presentation )
    Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
    Name of academic society:白色雑音系のカオスの研究
    Venue: 広島大学東千田キャンパス,広島市
  27. 田中晴喜,Spectral properties of generalized Ruelle operators (2008/03/01) (Presentation )
    Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
    Name of academic society:日本数学会2008年度年会
    Venue: 近畿大学,東大阪市
  28. 田中晴喜,有限個のmixing component からなる記号力学系の特異摂動について (2006/09/01) (Presentation )
    Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
    Name of academic society:日本数学会2006年度秋季総合分科会
    Venue: 大阪市立大学,大阪市
  29. 田中晴喜; 盛田健彦, 記号力学系の特異摂動と熱力学形式 (2005/09/01) (Presentation )
    Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
    Name of academic society:日本数学会2005年度秋季総合分科会
    Venue: 岡山大学,岡山市
  30. 田中晴喜; 盛田健彦, Transfer operator method for degeneration of symbolic dynamics and its application (2005/01/01) (Presentation )
    Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
    Name of academic society:平成17年度日本数学会中国・四国支部例会
    Venue: 広島大学,東広島市

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

  1. Study of metastable state detection problem via eigenspace perturbation analysis of transfer operators (2023,2024,2025,2026)
    Classification:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)
  2. Higher-order asymptotic analysis of nonconformal iterative function systems with infinite graphs by asymptotic theory construction of transfer operators (2020,2021,2022)
    Classification:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)

Research activities over the past five years

Academic papers

  1. Haruyoshi Tanaka, Asymptotic solution of Bowen equation for perturbed potentials on shift spaces with countable states (2022/12/01) (Individual authorship)
    Name of journal:Journal of Fractal Geometry
    Volume / Issue / Page: 9, no. 3/4, pp. 273–324
  2. Haruyoshi Tanaka, Convergence of Gibbs measures of a perturbed system of graph iterated functions with degeneration (2020/12/01) (Individual authorship)
    Name of journal:Far East Journal of Dynamical Systems
    Volume / Issue / Page: 32, 105-138
  3. Haruyoshi Tanaka, Perturbed finite-state Markov systems with holes and Perron complements of Ruelle operators (2020/01/18) (Individual authorship)
    Name of journal:Israel Journal of Mathematics
    Volume / Issue / Page: 236, 91-131


  1. 田中晴喜,Higher-order asymptotic behaviours of pressure functionals and statistical representations of the coefficients (2024/03/01) (Individual authorship)
    Volume / Issue / Page: 59-60
  2. 田中晴喜,On dimension estimates in nonconformal graph iterated function systems via asymptotic perturbation (2023/03/01) (Individual authorship)
    Name of journal:日本数学会 2023年度日本数学会年会,統計数学分科会講演アブストラクト
    Volume / Issue / Page: 43-44

Bulletin, etc.

  1. Haruyoshi Tanaka, Asymptotic behaviours of thermodynamic quantities in perturbed graph directed Markov systems (2023/12/01) (Individual authorship)
    Volume / Issue / Page: 2270, 34-46
  2. Haruyoshi Tanaka, Asymptotic behaviours of pressure functionals and statistical representations of the coefficients (2022/04/01) (Individual authorship)
    Name of journal:RIMS Kokyuroku
    Volume / Issue / Page: 2217, 51-61
  3. Haruyoshi Tanaka, Asymptotic solution of Bowen equation for perturbed potentials defined on shift space (2021/04/01) (Individual authorship)
    Name of journal:RIMS Kokyuroku
    Volume / Issue / Page: 2176, 28-36

Conference presentations

  1. (2024/03/18) (Presentation )
    Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
    Name of academic society:2024年 日本数学会年会
  2. (2024/03/15) (Presentation )
    Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
    Name of academic society:研究集会"ランダム力学系とエルゴード理論"
  3. (2024/02/01) (Presentation )
    Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
    Name of academic society:Workshop"数論とエルゴード理論"
  4. (2024/01/01) (Presentation )
    Classification: Domestic academic society (regional block)
    Name of academic society:令和5年度日本数学会中国・四国支部例会
  5. Haruyoshi Tanaka, On dimension estimates in graph iterated function systems on quasi-normed spaces (2023/12/22) (Symposium / invited lecture)
    Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
    Name of academic society:OCAMI 数論・力学系セミナー
    Venue: Osaka Metropolitan University Sugimoto Campus, Osaka city
  6. Haruyoshi Tanaka, Higher-order asymptotic behaviours of pressure functionals and statistical representations of the coefficients (2023/12/08) (Presentation )
    Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
    Name of academic society:2023 年度エルゴード理論研究集会
    Venue: Hiroshima University, Higashi-hiroshima city
  7. Haruyoshi Tanaka, Dimension estimates in nonconformal graph directed iterated function systems via asymptotic perturbation (2023/09/01) (Presentation )
    Classification: Overseas academic society
    Name of academic society:XLIII Dynamics Days Europe
    Venue: Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Naples, Italy
  8. 田中晴喜,On dimension estimates in graph iterated function systems on quasi-Banach spaces (2023/08/01) (Presentation )
    Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
    Name of academic society:広島確率論・力学系セミナー --Wakayama One day Workshop--
    Venue: 和歌山県立医科大学,和歌山市
  9. 田中晴喜,グラフ構造をもつ反復関数系の漸近摂動とその応用その2 (2023/04/01) (Presentation )
    Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
    Name of academic society:広島確率論・力学系セミナー
  10. 田中晴喜,On dimension estimates in nonconformal graph iterated function systems via asymptotic perturbation (2023/03/01) (Presentation )
    Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
    Name of academic society:日本数学会2023年度年会
  11. 田中晴喜,グラフ構造をもつ反復関数系の漸近摂動とその応用 (2023/01/01) (Presentation )
    Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
    Name of academic society:広島確率論・力学系セミナー
  12. 田中晴喜,On dimension estimates in nonconformal graph iterated function systems via asymptotic perturbation (2023/01/01) (Presentation )
    Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
    Name of academic society:2022年度冬の力学系研究集会
    Venue: 九州大学,福岡市
  13. 田中晴喜,Quasi-compactness of transfer operators for topological Markov shifts with holes and some applications (2022/11/01) (Symposium / invited lecture)
    Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
    Name of academic society:研究集会「エルゴード理論の最近の進展」
    Venue: 北見工業大学(オンライン開催)
  14. 田中晴喜,Quasi-compactness of transfer operators for topological Markov shifts with holes and some applications (2022/11/01) (Symposium / invited lecture)
    Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
    Name of academic society:研究集会「エルゴード理論の最近の進展」
    Venue: 京都大学,京都市
  15. 田中晴喜,Asymptotic behaviors of thermodynamic quantities in perturbed graph directed Markov systems (2022/09/01) (Symposium / invited lecture)
    Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
    Name of academic society:研究集会「ランダム力学系・非自励力学系研究の展望:理論と応用」
    Venue: 京都大学,京都市
  16. 田中晴喜,Asymptotic behaviours of pressure functionals and statistical representations of the coefficients (2021/08/01) (Symposium / invited lecture)
    Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
    Name of academic society:研究集会「ランダム力学系および多価写像力学系理論の総合的研究」
    Venue: 京都大学(オンライン開催)
  17. 田中晴喜,ホールをもつ摂動マルコフシステムとRuelle転送作用素のPerron補元 (2021/07/01) (Symposium / invited lecture)
    Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
    Name of academic society:広島大学数学科談話会
    Venue: 広島大学(オンライン開催)
  18. 田中晴喜,An asymptotic analysis in thermodynamic formalism for countable Markov shifts (2021/01/01) (Presentation )
    Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
    Name of academic society:2020年度冬の力学系研究集会
    Venue: オンライン開催
  19. 田中晴喜,可算マルコフシフトに対する熱力学形式における漸近解析(その2) (2020/11/01) (Presentation )
    Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
    Name of academic society:広島確率論・力学系セミナー
    Venue: 広島大学,東広島市
  20. 田中晴喜,可算マルコフシフトに対する熱力学形式における漸近解析 (2020/11/01) (Presentation )
    Classification: Domestic academic society (nationwide)
    Name of academic society:広島確率論・力学系セミナー
    Venue: 広島大学,東広島市

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

  1. Study of metastable state detection problem via eigenspace perturbation analysis of transfer operators (2023,2024,2025,2026)
    Classification:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)
  2. Higher-order asymptotic analysis of nonconformal iterative function systems with infinite graphs by asymptotic theory construction of transfer operators (2020,2021,2022)
    Classification:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)