Undergraduate Course of Science Education for Primary Schools

In the Course of Science Education for Primary Schools, it is aimed at to turn out teachers that can teach high level science in simpler method and language. In our science curriculum, we start introductory science classes which starts from the contents of high school or lower level. And then, we also provide lessons and laboratory works indlucing advanced class of science contents of all areas of natural science on physics, chemistry, biology and geoscience. Also it is practiced to develop science lessons to increse students prefering science.

There are many advanced experimental instruments available for research activity in our labs, the leading level as teacher training schools. Finding the solution to unsolved scientific problems with the advanced instruments, it is possible for students to be skilled with more advanced experimental techniques as well as the scientific method of solving problems including critical thinking. These cutivate some of the important literacies for a primary school teachers.

Undergraduate Course of Science Education for Secondary Schools

In the Course of Science Education for Secondary Schools, lectures and experimental lab works in physics, chemistry, biology and geosciences, complementing the unlearnt contents of high school science as well as advanced level subjects. Our curriculum developes full science achievement required as a teacher, covering the scientific area each student had not learned before entrance at a suitable balance.

Recent development of science and technology demands the science teachers to be acquainted with the updated science knowledge. Such new science knowledge and topics are required for the practical lessons at scondary schools. It is also intended in the Course of Science Education for Secondary Schools that the students learn the newest science knowkedge on the front line of natural sciece in the research activity before the graduation.

Any questions on our course are welcomed at takeda(at)naruto-u.ac.jp.
Copyright(c)2012 Depts of Natural Science Education, Naruto University of Education. All rights reserved.